Human resources

Unions and associations


Support networks


National Association for Headteachers (NAHT)
NAHT provides a professional service exclusively for all school leaders

Ealing branch NAHT:
Mr Dave Woods
Ealing Branch Secretary/ London Regional President
Tel: 020 8574 3506

National Association of School Masters/Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT)
NASUWT is committed in working to influence the education policy of the government and employers. NASUWT is a member of the TUC and is linked to other national and international trade union organisations and represented on a wide range of professional, educational and advisory bodies.

NASUWT contact details:
Paulette Ennever

National Education Union (Following the amalgamation of the NUT and the ATL)
The National Education Union as the largest education union plays a leading role in influencing education policies at national and local levels and in national negotiations relating to teachers' conditions, salaries and pensions. The Union also represents support staff in schools, is represented on major national education bodies and makes representations to central government on all matters affecting teachers and schools.

Contact Ealing's NUT:
Stefan Simms, divisional secretary
Tel: 07817 643 546

The Aspect Group of Prospect is the only professional association and trade union exclusively representing professionals working in children's services. Aspect represents over 4,000 professionals.

The Aspect Group of Prospect:
Claire Dent - Negotiations Officer
The Aspect Group of Prospect
International House
Turner Way, Wakefield
Tel: 01924 207 890
Mobile: 07811 146 971

Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)
ASCL is a professional association for leaders of secondary schools and colleges. Members of ASCL are entitled to personal advice and guidance from a network of local and national officials, support through national branches and meetings, and a number of member benefits.

UNISON is Britain’s and Europe’s biggest public sector union with more than 1.3 million members. Our members are people working in public services, for private contractors providing public services and in the essential utilities. They include frontline staff and managers working, full, part and term time in local authorities, schools, colleges, the NHS and the voluntary sector. UNISON is able to influence policy and negotiate with both national and local employers for all groups of staff on conditions, salaries and pensions.

UNISON office
Tel: 020 8825 7999

GMB is a general union - which means that anyone can join. GMB has almost 610,000 members working in every part of the economy. Every day of the year GMB offers protection at work and solves problems for GMB members. GMB provide back up, representation and advice on every issue related to members life at work.

GMB in Ealing
Dean Gilligan
Tel: 020 8825 8796

Support networks

Workplace options
Employee helpline service

Education Support Partnership (formerly Teacher Support Network)
An independent charity serving teachers and lecturers in England and Wales. TSN provides free, independent counselling, a support and advice helpline for teachers, as well as money advice and a grants and loans programme.
Tel: 08000 562 561

DAWN - Dignity at Work Now
Support and campaign group for anti-bullying in the workplace.

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Last updated: 23 Dec 2022