Include Me SEND festival consultation

03 May 2024

Ealing's Include Me steering group would like to consult with young people with additional needs and their families.

We want to know what they would like to see in a festival with and for young people with additional needs.

We would also like to hear about their experiences of attending community events in Ealing.

This consultation is open to young people with additional needs and their parents and carers, and those who support or work with them.

Here is the Include Me Festival consultation link:

Please help us reach as many people as possible through communication methods available to you including messages to parents, staff, websites and social media; directing young people with additional needs and their parents and carers to this consultation. It would also be beneficial to open discussions with young people and get them talking about what they'd like to include in a festival.

Our goal is to put together a fantastic event this summer and we need your help.

For any additional feedback not covered by the survey from the young people and families you talk to please email to Clare Welsby Email subject: Include Me Festival Feedback.

An easy read downloadable version of the consultation will be circulated in mid April when we focus on face-to-face consultation with individuals and groups.

Include Me Festival consultation link:

Contact Ealing’s Include Me Steering Group

For more information please contact Clare Welsby

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Last updated: 07 May 2024