An overview of key responsibilities

The governing board has general responsibility for the conduct of the school with view to ensuring high standards of educational achievement for all pupils.

This general responsibility gives rise to a wide range of specific responsibilities which in turn require the governing board to establish a range of procedures.

More information can be found on the DfE website:

A summary list is below:

Allowances and expenses for governors
Governors should have a policy on payment of governors’ expenses, where this has been agreed.

The governing board is required to have procedures in place for handling complaints. Please refer to the DfE school complaints procedures and model policies for more information on handling concerns and complaints.

Constitution of the governing board and instrument of government
A legal document stating how the governing board is constituted and types of governors.

Committee’s formation, delegation and operation
If a governing board decides to delegate responsibilities and functions to committees or individuals.

Headteacher appraisal
Information on this statutory repsonsibility.

Meetings of the governing board and its committees
How the governing board must conduct itself including quorum and when it is necessary to withdraw due to conflict of interest.

Register of business interests of governors
The governing board is required to keep a register of business interests of its members.

Standing orders and terms of reference
The DfE recommends that for non-statutory procedures, the governing board develops a set of standing orders.

The governor toolkit provides more guidance on many of these areas.

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Last updated: 18 Oct 2021