ELP committees - termly digest

11 July update - summer term digests 2019 now available to download:

Learning and achievement committee digests
Securing consistently high standards of teaching and learning to achieve outcomes amongst the best in London through skilful and sustainable collaboration.

Safeguarding and wellbeing committee digests
Anticipating and responding intelligently to safeguarding needs through strong collaboration between schools and services.

SEND and inclusion committee digests
Improving educational attainment and life chances for our most vulnerable children and young people including those with SEND.

Progression and pathways to employment committee digests
Ensuring that every young person is on a pathway to sustainable employment.

Recruitment, retention and financial sustainability for schools committee digests
Supporting schools to spend well for less – efficiency through creative solutions.

Business growth and communications committee digests
A visible, agile partnership that attracts investment and talent through its core purpose and success.

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Last updated: 18 Oct 2021