Female genital mutilation (FGM)

What you need to know about FGM? (pdf) September 2018

Statutory guidance

Multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM (GOV.UK) updated October 2018

Mandatory duty to report FGM (GOV.UK)

Duty to report

From 31 October 2015, social workers, health professionals and teachers have a mandatory duty to report to the police any known cases of FGM, when a disclosure has been made or there is visual confirmation for all under 18s.

What to do if a child discloses that FGM has already happened to them:

  • Talk to your DSL and discuss actions. Your DSL may want to have a further conversation with the child, you should be present for this discussion
  • As this is a disclosed case, you will need to follow your mandatory duty. Therefore, you will need to call the non-emergency 101 number
  • Write down the crime reference number
  • Your DSL will also need to follow up with ECIRS (social care in Ealing)
  • Make a note of all your actions.

What to do if you suspect a girl is at risk of FGM:

  • Follow your usual safeguarding procedures in school
  • Discuss with DSL
  • DSL may need to contact ECIRS for further advice
  • Keep record of any conversation with child and/or family.


Ealing children's integrated response service (ECIRS) referrals: 020 8825 8000

Police non-emergency number: 101

Resources for schools

The National FGM Centre has an extensive knowledge hub and resource centre with leaflets and support documents for professional.

Primary schools should use the NSPCC PANTS rule to teach children about good and bad touch and who to talk to if they are worried or scared. Please see the Ealing primary PSHE scheme of work for resources on the PANTS rule.

Schools who are part of the FGM project, or schools who have done work with parents and staff on FGM can also use the FGM specific lessons in the Ealing primary PSHE scheme of work. These lessons are taught from year 3 – 6 in the summer term.

High schools can use the FORWARD resources to deliver lessons on FGM. This resource is for key stages 3 and 4 and focuses on the issues surrounding FGM.

SRE covered, a curriculum resource for high schools also has specific lessons for pupils on FGM.

Training for professionals

Your school can purchase whole school training on FGM from the health improvement team. For more details please email Claire Vaughan.

Centralised training on FGM is also run annually at the Ealing Education Centre. It is advised that all school staff, both teaching and non-teaching, attend training on FGM. Book your free place on Ealing CPD online.

Schools can also contact the community outreach worker for FGM and project lead for community led approach to ending FGM for advice. Please email Hoda Ali at hwarsame4.307@lgflmail.org

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Last updated: 14 Mar 2024