Foundation and key stage 1

Foundation stage

The foundation stage is assessed with a foundation stage profile. This is
'a picture of what a child has achieved, knows and can do'. It is based on the early learning goals and the curriculum guidance for the foundation stage. There are no tests. There are no tasks. You build the profile over the year - DfES

Visit the foundation stage area of the QCA website for more information.

Key stage 1

Children follow the National Curriculum programme of study for KS1. Their teachers, and other adults working with them, make judgements about levels of attainment reached in each area of mathematics. Appropriate evidence is kept to support decisions and updated throughout the time a child spends in KS1. Towards the end of a child’s time in KS1 a 'snapshot' of their achievement is taken using QCA statutory materials that can be found on the QCA website. Statutory requirements change from year to year and current requirements can be found by accessing assessment and reporting arrangements for KS1 on the QCA website. Exemplar material of teacher assessments can also be found there and will support teachers in making robust judgements.

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Last updated: 18 Oct 2021