ELP race equality leadership ambitions 2022-2026

1. Leadership - we accept that there are barriers to achievement and life chances based on ethnicity which must be tackled: our commitment to change is reflected in equalities policies and practices that are high profile, widely understood and shaped collaboratively with the communities we serve.

  • Every school has an anti-racist policy that is widely understood, constructed with, and supported by all stakeholders
  • Every school has a designated Race and Diversity lead on the governing body and staff body
  • Every school has embedded systems for capturing the voices of pupils, parents and staff on equalities priorities.

2. Engaging parents and communities as assets - we will invest in valuing and ethically utilising parents and communities as our assets so that they have the confidence to talk to us about barriers to inclusion and the space to shape solutions.

  • Every school has established parent focus groups and clear systems to listen to feedback and to shape policy and practice
  • Black Caribbean and Somali parents have high trust in school leadership through overt investment in developing relationships.

3. Curriculum, progress and inclusion – Our activities will ensure that every learner is served well, with an explicit attention to the curriculum, academic outcomes, and pathways to adulthood for our Black Caribbean children and young people.

  • Significantly improve attendance for Black Caribbean and White & Black Caribbean pupils so that it is closer to all other groups in Ealing
  • Significantly reduce the persistent absence rate for Black Caribbean and White & Black Caribbean pupils so that it is closer to all other groups in Ealing
  • Support schools to significantly reduce overall exclusions and ultimately put an end to disproportionality by ethnicity
  • Significantly increase the % of Black Caribbean and White and Black Caribbean and Somali pupils achieving a good level of development in Reception to be closer to all other groups in Ealing
  • Significantly increase the % of Black Caribbean and White & Black Caribbean and Somali pupils achieving above the expected standard in RWM at KS2 to be closer to all other groups in Ealing
  • Significantly increase the % of Black Caribbean and White & Black Caribbean and Somali pupils achieving Level 5-9 E&M and an attainment 8 score to be closer to all other groups in Ealing
  • Significantly increase the academic average point score of Black Caribbean and White & Black Caribbean and Somali pupils at Key Stage 5 to be closer to all other groups in Ealing
  • Significantly increase the % of Black Caribbean and White and Black Caribbean pupils choosing and attending high tariff HE institutions to be closer to all other groups in Ealing.

4. Developing cultures and behaviours – we will prioritise training and development to embed and sustain our understanding of diversity and disproportionality: we will model the behaviours and ambitions we want to see in our workforce.

  • Every member of the school workforce and governing body is offered race equality training or refresher training through an organised programme of induction and development
  • Equalities teaching for pupils is embedded in the whole curriculum model
  • There is an overt focus on cultivating anti-racist leadership in the pupil/student body
  • School policy and practice extends to parent training and workshops on equalities and unconscious bias.

5. Inclusive recruitment and retention – we will actively create a workforce that better reflects the diversity of the children/young people we serve and in our society: we will place high value on recruitment, development, and retention to increase the number of Black and Asian leaders in education.

  • There are significantly more Black, Asian leaders and ethnic minority leaders in senior posts across all phases as a result of anti-racist recruitment and retention initiatives
  • Systems are in place to gather the views and experiences of staff on equalities focused work and Black and Asian staff are confident that their voices are heard when reviewing policies and practice.
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Last updated: 14 Dec 2023

Ealing Learning Partnership