Elective home education (EHE) off-rolling

The two templates below are for schools to use when parents have expressed their intention to off roll their child in order to electively home educate.

EHE consideration form

When the school becomes aware that a parent/carer is considering Elective Home Education, we would ask that you arrange a meeting/ conversation with the parent(s) to ensure that they have considered what is in the best interests of the young person and are aware of their responsibilities in educating at home.

The parent/carer should complete the EHE consideration form.

KCSIE compliance forn

If the parent/carer chooses to go ahead and withdraw their child, the school should complete the KCSIE compliance form

Action: Schools should email the KCSIE compliance form and the parent’s completed EHE consideration form to blundy@ealing.gov.uk, along with a copy of the parent/carer’s written notification to the school.

The KCSIE compliance form does not of course replace consideration by safeguarding leads in the school as to whether to make a referral to social care if there are concerns. Referrals can be made via Ealing Children's Integrated Response Service (ECIRS)

This can be done alongside a removal from roll, consent should be sought in the usual way

Amended EHE process

We have amended our Elective Home Education process in light of the changes to the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance [KCSIE]:

178. Where a parent/carer has expressed their intention to remove a child from school with a view to educating at home, we recommend that LAs, schools, and other key professionals work together to coordinate a meeting with parents/carers where possible. Ideally, this would be before a final decision has been made, to ensure the parents/carers have considered what is in the best interests of each child. This is particularly important where a child has special educational needs or a disability, and/or has a social worker, and/or is otherwise vulnerable.

179. DfE guidance for local authorities on Elective home education sets out the role and responsibilities of LAs and their powers to engage with parents in relation to EHE. Although this is primarily aimed at LAs, schools should also be familiar with this guidance.


Debby Legg, manager, exclusions and elective home education team
Tel: 020 8825 5070
Email: dlegg@ealing.gov.uk

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Last updated: 08 Dec 2023