School uniform survey

23 Nov 2023

In 2021, the DfE introduced statutory guidance for schools designed to ensure the cost of school uniforms is reasonable and secures the best value for money.

The guidance, which schools are expected to have implemented in full by summer 2023, encourages schools to keep branded items to a minimum to enable uniforms to be more affordable for families. It also supports a more sustainable approach to school uniform by encouraging the provision of second hand / pre-loved uniform.

Short survey

A brief look at websites of Ealing schools shows that while many schools have taken substantial steps to support families and respond to the guidance, there remains considerable variation.

Please complete this short school uniform survey to help us better understand the different approaches to uniform policies in place across the borough, any support Ealing schools need to reduce costs and to enable us to share your ideas, best practice and examples with the Ealing school community.

The deadline for completing the survey is Friday 8 December 2023.

Many thanks in advance for your support with this.

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Last updated: 23 Nov 2023