Relationships matter programme survey

22 Jan 2024

Dear colleagues

We have very exciting news! Ealing Council and Family Lives have successfully received a joint bid from Foundations for our project which focuses on the local provision of parental conflict support. Together, we are piloting a reducing parental conflict programme that enables engagement with our communities and co-designing a workshop for parents.

We would like your input about Ealing’s interventions around supporting healthy parental relationships and reducing parental conflict programmes. To do this please complete this short survey.

Evidence demonstrates that conflict between parents that is frequent, intense and poorly resolved has a significant impact on children and young people. Despite this, many parents do not access support, fearing judgement or severe consequences for admitting difficulties or concern that their relationship might not reflected in council parenting initiatives. Some parents may not recognise relationship difficulties or feel that support is not for them.

The focus of this pilot project is to explore the barriers to accessing support for relationship difficulties between parents, we are running this initial pilot in our Southall community. We would like to ensure that dads and male carers are part of this work so we can gain greater insight into how we could best offer this support.

In Ealing we are developing a support pathway that aims to provide a shared local understanding of current services and interventions that reduce parental conflict. We need your help to ensure the offer meets both our practitioners’ learning needs and our community’s lived needs. We have developed a quick survey to help inform our understanding and further develop a programme that works best for Ealing.

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Last updated: 22 Jan 2024