Free healthy school zone programme for 8 Ealing schools

29 Apr 2024

Healthy Zones is delivered by the charity, School Food Matters (SFM), and its main aim is to support you to make the healthy choice the easy choice for students at your school.   

Based on your school’s priorities around food, you decide on one or more ‘Healthy Zones’ to focus on (see below). Depending on your school’s set-up and needs, a series of hands-on sessions - with staff, students and parents - will be agreed and tailored to work for you.   

Healthy zones

  1. Breakfast Club – whether you have an in house or external provider, improving the food offer in your club and improving/launching nutritious menus which take into consideration students’ ideas, tastes and your club budget and equipment. This will take place over one full term.
  2. Afterschool Club – whether you have an in-house or external provider, improving the food offer in your club and improving/launching nutritious menus through a series of recipe sessions. This will take place over one full term.
  3. School food policy – developing and implementing policies that put children’s health first and create lasting changes to your school food environment. This will take place over one academic year.

Register your interest

This support also includes assemblies, workshops and sessions on the topic of your Healthy Zone and you will receive ongoing support for the full academic year.

To register your interest, email Nicole on by 31 May.

Find out more

School Food Matters are offering a quick 15 minute session on 7 May 3:45-4pm over Teams to explain the programme and answer your questions.

If you want to attend this session to find out more,email the words ‘Yes to Healthy Zones' to and she will send you the Teams invite.

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Last updated: 07 May 2024