Children educated at home 2023/24

This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools


We co-ordinate and monitor the suitability of provision for children educated at home. We also provide advice and guidance to parents.

Financial year 2023/24

Comments taken from the Ofsted inspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers July 2016:

“The LA has tight procedures in place….data is routinely updated and scrutinised….guidance is issued to all home educators and families… the LA takes swift action about the safety and well-being of children if there are concerns"

Office hours:

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Planned improvements:

Ongoing process of continued service improvement.

Service directors:

Robert South

Related content:

Exclusions and elective home education service, children and adults’ services.

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Last updated: 15 Feb 2023