Clinical psychology in schools 2023/24

This service is available for Maintained schools and Academies


Clinical psychologists are commissioned by schools to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children and their families.

Situated in the school one day a week, the clinical psychologist provides an early intervention service consisting of mental health focussed assessment, evidence based intervention and consultation to children and their families.

Financial year 2023/24
  • This service for children and families is delivered by skilled mental health practitioners in the accessible location of the school
  • This facilitates high engagement rates
  • Referrals are agreed in partnership with the school and in line with school priorities
  • Clinical psychologists are able to manage a range of mental health issues
  • The service can be accessed by children and families who may not reach thresholds for other services.
Office hours:

On commissioned days (all year round), 8.30am to 5pm.

Planned improvements:

To make the service available to interested schools and to build on the existing good practice of the service so far.

Service directors:

Robert South

More detailed information:

Reasons for referral include anxiety, sleep difficulties, bereavement and loss, depression and low mood, peer and social difficulties, anger problems, over activity and family difficulties.

Interventions in school one day a week are:

Direct work with children and families:

  • Individual mental health assessment and formulation
  • Individual therapeutic work
  • Behaviour management advice and support to parents
  • Cognitive behavioural interventions for children and families
  • Group interventions which could be small group or whole class interventions and may centre around issues such as problem solving skills training, social skills training or transition to high school
  • Family interventions
  • Multi-family groups, for parents and children to attend together in school
  • Parenting programme interventions e.g.supporting your child’s education (Webster-Stratton 2007).

Indirect work:

  • Consultation and support to school staff on mental health issues in children and multi factorial formulation of a child’s behaviour
  • Teaching and training on mental health models and issues
  • Liaison and network input to facilitate and support effective multi agency working

Staffing, delivered on 1 day over 33 weeks



7 hrs a week £19,500*
  • Individual assessment and professional report writing
  • Evidence based therapeutic work children, parents and families
  • Parenting groups
  • Consultation to staff
  • Supervision/support to staff
  • Training

*The cost of the service will be subsidised by a grant from the John Lyons Trust, reducing the actual cost to appx £14,750


Ealing Primary Centre

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Last updated: 07 Dec 2023