Nutrition and exercise 2023/24

This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools


This package will help your school to introduce a range of healthy eating and exercise initiatives proven to reduce rates of obesity in your pupils. Schools can use their school sports premium funding to pay for this package.

Academic year 2023/24

This package will:

  • Ensure your weight loss initiatives are successful, embedded and sustainable.
  • Directly assist you in achieving your Healthy Schools London Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards with a focus on healthy eating and exercise.
  • Help get parents on board via detailed consultation.
  • Introduce a range of proven and innovative nutrition and exercise inititatives and programmes into your school.
  • Provide you with access to a wide range of pre-prepared lesson plans, posters, parent letters, policies and baseline surveys.
  • Provide you with expert guidance from a health improvement officer to stay on track, save you time and make an impact.
  • Model all aspects of the whole school approach to ensure that this project is sustainable in your school.

This package include implementation of all initiatives, training, policies, toolkits and resources.

Additional / buy back services 

Summary of the other Health Improvement Team packages for ELP subscribers:

  • Healthy schools awards and training package
  • Four day bespoke package
  • PSHE package
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing package
  • Relationship, health and sex education package
Office hours:
  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
  • Twilight sessions and out of office hours work by negotiation.
Service directors:

Julie Lewis

More detailed information:

This package comprises of 14 hours of nutrition and exercise support in your school. Activities can include:

  • A choice of four initiatives for your pupils from options including
    • packed lunch support
    • Sugar Smart programme
    • Daily Mile
    • 5 Minute high intensity training
    • healthy lunchtime token reward system
    • Lunchtime Champions
    • dining room support
    • Eco-schools programme
    • playground zones and
    • a health fair.
  • An update and review of your current packed lunch policy, PE policy and whole-school food policy with consultation from staff, governors, parents and pupils.
  • A staff INSET covering topics including the Daily Mile, 5 minute HIT and lunchtime reward system.
  • A pupil assembly to launch your health eating and physical activity initiatives
  • Baseline and endline surveys with pupils and staff to measure impact
  • The ‘Healthy Lunchtime’ and ‘Daily Mile’ toolkit.
  • Examples of Healthy Schools London silver awards focused on healthy eating to support your school in achieving this award.

This package also includes:

  • Free access to four central trainings for all staff on nutrition and exercise topics including packed lunches, Eco-Schools, ideas to get pupils more active and the Sugar Smart schools programme.
  • Two tickets to the health improvement annual conference
  • Two drop-in days to help you achieve your Healthy Schools London awards
  • Three primary or high school PSHE network meetings

Health improvement team, children and families.

Further details:

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Last updated: 15 Feb 2023