Statutory moderation and monitoring for academies and free schools 2023/2024

This service is available for Academies


Academies and free schools are required to comply with statutory moderation and monitoring requirements for end of key stage national curriculum assessments.

This includes moderation of teacher assessment (TA) and external monitoring of national curriculum tests.

Academic year 2023/24

Academies that are members of Ealing Learning Partnership were not be charged for services in 2022 -2023 but charges will be reviewed for 2023 - 2024 alongside new funding models.

Office hours:

Monday - Friday

Service directors:

Julie Lewis

More detailed information:

You must have provision in place for:

  • Phonics screening check monitoring
  • Key stage 1 moderation of teacher assessment
  • Key stage 2 moderation of teacher assessment
  • Key stage 2 test monitoring

For each activity schools must choose Ealing or another accredited provider for this service.

As local authorities only receive government funding for maintained schools, this will be a chargeable service for academies.

If your school is not using Ealing for this service in 2022 – 2023 please inform Jo Heffer, Key stage 1 and 2 moderation manager, by email at

Further details:

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Last updated: 22 Feb 2023