Subject access request

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations, you have the right to receive a copy of the information EGfL holds about you. A request for this information is called a subject access request.

How do I ask to see information about me?

If you would like to make a subject access request, please email Ealing Grid for Learning at

Alternatively, you can write to us by post or by email. You will need to provide your name and address, details of the service(s) you are receiving and any other information (eg school you work for) that could help us find your information. Please also provide a letter or email from headteacher confirming you work at the school.

Do I have to pay to see my information?

No. There is not a charge for subject access requests

What information will I receive?

You will receive all the information requested that relates to yourself, whether held in an electronic or manual file, the purpose for which we process your data, a list of who it is disclosed to and the information sources.

Do you always have to reply?

Yes. The data protection law allows for one calendar month to respond to your request, once it has been verified. There are circumstances where this timescale may be extended, and when it is necessary, we will be in contact with you. If you do not hear from us within this period you can contact the council’s data protection officer on 020 8825 5512 or email We will make every effort to supply you with the information you requested.

Will all my information be provided?

Yes - although there are some exemptions that may be applied in certain circumstances

How will I be given the information?

You will be given a copy to keep and check for accuracy. This will either be a computer printout or a photocopy of your manual records. Where applicable, it can be provided via email using the council’s secure email solution.

What do I do if the information is incorrect?

You must write, indicating what data is incorrect and asking for it to be corrected. We must tell you what we have done within one month of receiving your request. If we do not agree that the information is incorrect you can ask us to record your disagreement on your records. You can also appeal to the information commissioner or the courts.

What if I think I haven't received all the information asked for?

Contact us and let us know what you think is missing. We will contact the relevant department to establish whether or not everything has been provided. If you are still not satisfied you should contact the information commissioner at:

Address: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 01625 545 745

For more information regarding your rights as an individual under the data protection laws, please see the council’s corporate privacy note.

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Last updated: 13 May 2024

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