2020 health improvement conference: Successfully preparing for statutory relationships and health education

Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 13:00 - 17:00
4 hours
Double Tree at Hilton Hotel, Ealing

Places are now open for our 6th annual health improvement conference.

Our conference theme this year is on statutory RSE and health education, and will take place on 4 February 2020 from 1 to 5pm at the Double Tree Hilton in Ealing. At this event hear from speakers on topics including RSE, mental health, nutrition and exercise.

Who should attend

This conference is for headteachers, deputy headteachers, SENCO and PSHE co-ordinators working in primary, secondary and special schools.

This conference will provide schools with practical advice and knowledge, which they can take back to school, to help them in their role.

We are very excited to announce that Bradley Simmonds, a columnist and a well-known fitness influencer (with over 300,000 Instagram followers) and author Connie Simmonds, will be our keynote speakers and will talk about how to motivate and inspire young people to get more physically active.

Our main speaker is Editor of BBC Teach, Alex Harris, who will showcase how the new look BBC Teach channel can be used to deliver the new curriculum.

We also have staff and pupils from a primary school coming to share what they have been working on in preparation for statutory RSE and another primary school explaining how they became a Sugar Smart school. The Ealing Counselling Partnership and Brook are also coming to deliver workshops.

This conference is free to any school who bought back any of our health improvement packages. The cost for all other schools is £80, or book a place before 10 January to purchase tickets at our early bird rate of £50.

Schools also receive 3 Healthy Schools Points for every staff members who attends.

At our last conference 68% of delegates said the event was 'extremely useful' and a further 24% said it was 'very useful'.

Click on the 'book now' button below to book a place.

Refreshments and afternoon tea will also be provided.


Nicole McGregor: mcgregorn@ealing.gov.uk
020 8825 5484
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Key date details

  • Venue:
    Double Tree at Hilton Hotel, Ealing
    Event type:
    Primary headteachers, Secondary headteachers, Special school headteachers

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