Ealing staff wellbeing survey 2024

30 Apr 2024

The Ealing Health Improvement Team staff wellbeing survey has been updated for 2024 and is now live.

Get feedback from staff

This is a free, optional survey which you can use to get feedback from staff at your school.

The survey will ask how staff are feeling, anything that is challenging and helpful, and what additional support they may need.

You can use your data to adjust current support, implement new support, or signpost to existing resources.

In addition, your feedback will help us to develop new resources and support for schools.

How does it work?

  • Email Liz for the survey questions, the survey link and an email template
  • The survey should be optional for all staff and will take approx. 5 minutes to complete
  • Choose your own deadline and when this has passed, Liz will send you your results
  • All responses are anonymous and no other school will see your data.


Please email AinsworthL@ealing.gov.uk if you would like to take part.

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Last updated: 30 Apr 2024