Rapid checklist for headteachers

Action will depend on the nature of the incident.

Ensure a full log is kept of all actions taken as they happen as well as information received.

  • Ensure that all staff and pupils are in a place of safety and security
  • Have emergency services been called?
    • fire
    • police
    • ambulance
  • Inform the LA Children’s Service Designated Officer or, in his/her absence, one of the Schools Service Directorate Team. This should trigger Council Services (see section two)
  • Ensure that all staff and pupils are accounted for
  • Inform the Chair of Governors and other governors as soon as possible
  • Set up a critical incident support team
  • Seek urgent advice from Ealing Council Communications unit and arrange who will deal with the media, give interviews and prepare press statements
  • Arrange how parents will be contacted
  • Ensure that there are suitable phones available for outgoing calls e.g. exdirectory or mobile
  • Decide if there is a need to contact community or religious leaders
  • Decide if counselling support is needed
  • Consider, as soon as possible, a schedule for recovery
  • Ensure that there is constant and consistent communication with staff
  • Consider arrangements for school meals
  • Consider whether transport arrangements need to be altered
  • If appropriate, determine the funeral arrangements and decide which staff and pupils will attend

Schools critical incident flowchart
Flowchart for schools to use as an aid to assist in the management of a critical incident.

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Last updated: 04 Jun 2024