Health and safety training matrix

Here is the health and safety training available to all staff within schools. View and book health and safety training via Ealing CPD online

Refresher periods: Within 5 years for courses except for First Aid which is every 3 years and Fire Safety Awareness (Site Specific) which is yearly.

Mandatory health and safety training



  • Health and safety induction – in-house training by school
  • Fire safety awareness (site specific) - inhouse training by school

All school staff

Educational visits coordinator - online training

Educational visits coordinator

Fire Warden (half day)

Fire warden

  • First aid at work (3 day)
  • First aid at work requalification (2 days)
  • First aid paediatric (Run by early years)

First aider

Paediatric first aider

  • Asbestos awareness training (half day)
  • Contractor management (full day)
  • COSHH awareness (half day)
  • COSHH risk assessment guide on EGfL
  • Fire door inspection training (2 hours)
  • Health and safety for premises managers and caretakers (full day).
  • Manual handling (half day)
  • Playground equipment regular inspection training (full day)
  • Risk assessment (half day)
  • Work at height (half day)
  • Water hygiene awareness (half day)

Premises / site manager

Lone worker safety and difficult situations (half day)

Lone workers

  • COSHH awareness (half day)
  • COSHH risk assessment (guide)

Staff managing hazardous substances

Accident investigation (guide)

Staff required to investigate accidents

Manual handling (half day)

Staff who move/ handle static loads

Work at height (half day)

Staff working at height (including using ladders and step ladders)

Recommended health and safety training



Risk Assessment (half day)

All teachers and support staff

  • Accident Investigation (guide)
  • Asbestos awareness (half day)
  • Contractor management (2.5hrs)
  • Health and safety for SBMs and heads (2.5 hrs)
  • Lone worker safety and difficult situations (1 day)
  • Water hygiene awareness (half day)

School business manager

  • Accident investigations guide on EGfL
  • Asbestos awareness (half day)
  • Health and safety for SBMs and heads (2.5 hrs)
  • Lone worker safety and difficult situations (1 day)
  • Water hygiene awareness (half day)


Lone worker safety and difficult situations (1 day)

Staff who have contact with the public

Health and safety for governors (2 hours evening) Governors
  • Bodily fluids and sharps (half day)
  • Electrical safety (half day)
  • Emergency first aid at work (1 day)
  • Lone worker safety and difficult situations (half day)
Premises / site manager

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Last updated: 27 Aug 2024