Access to information

The schools financial procedures provides maintained schools with guidance on a range of financial management processes that are set out as individual sections.

Certain strategic directors of the local authority (LA) have statutory responsibilities and may require access to information and records held at schools in order to be able to discharge these responsibilities. These financial regulations set out the powers that the strategic directors have in this respect. Requirements and guidance on compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 by governing boards (GB) and headteachers are set out in financial instructions.

For the purposes of carrying out their statutory responsibilities, the chief finance officer (CFO), or their representative officers, shall have unlimited rights of access to all information and records held in or relating to schools which appertain to financial matters.

The director for children and adults or their representative officers, shall have unlimited rights of access to all information and records held in order to fulfil their statutory duties.

External organisations will also have statutory right of access to financial information. The CFO should be informed of all requests.

Financial records (including electronic data), vouchers and documents must be preserved until the minimum retention period is reached. Schools must comply with any minimum retention periods and requirements as to accessibility prescribed by statute or regulation. When disposing of items, appropriate arrangements shall be made for information that is classified as confidential.


School bursarial team,

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Last updated: 11 Jul 2023