Budgets archive
You need to login with your EGfL user account to access these reports. To register for a user account, email: egflwebteam@ealing.gov.uk.
2023-24 School budgets
2023/24 year end closing of accounts finance return templates
(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:
- 2023-24 Closing of accounts notes
- 2023-24 School balance form
- 2023-24 T3 School finance upload template
- 2023-24 T3 Accruals template
- 2023-24 T3 School external payroll upload
- 2023-24 T3 Supporting documents
- 2023-24 T3 Finance return front sheet
- 2023-24 Year end additional information
- 2023-24 Letter bank account access for Ealing auditors
2023/24 Term 2 finance return templates
(Login to view information).
- 2023-24 T2 finance return front sheet - to follow
- 2023-24 T2 school external payroll upload
- 2023-24 T2 school finance upload template
- 2023-24 T2 supporting documents template
2023/24 Term 1 finance return templates
- 2023-24 T1 finance return front sheet
- 2023-24 T1 school external payroll upload
- 2023-24 T1 school finance upload template
- 2023-24 T1 supporting documents template
Budget allocations
Please find your final schools block allocations below:
- Detailed indicative school budget allocations 2023-24 updated 5 April 2023 (excel)
- Final schools block allocations 2023-24 (excel)
- Cover letter indicative allocations 2023-24 from Tamara Quinn (pdf)
Grant payments to date
- School grant payments - Fourth quarter 2023-24
- School grant payments - Third quarter 2023-24
- School grant payments - Second quarter 2023-24
Grant allocations, conditions and guidance
- 16 to 19 Bursary fund audit guide for local authorities: 2023 to 2024 academic year
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery premium funding: allocations and conditions of grant 2023/24
- Mainstream schools additional grant 2023-24
- Pupil premium: allocations and conditions of grant 2023-24 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Budget monitoring return
Here is the school budget monitoring return template for quarter 2, 2023-24. Once completed, please email this to schoolsaccountancyservices@ealing.gov.uk by 31 October 2023. Guidance is available on the spreadsheet, under tab 1.
2022-23 School budgets
2022/23 year end closing of accounts finance return templates
(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:
- 2022-23 School balance form
- 2022-23 Closing note
- 2022-23 School finance upload template
- 2022-23 Year end additional information
- 2022-23 T3 accruals template
- 2022-23 T3 school external payroll upload
- 2022-23 T3 supporting documents
2022/23 Term 2 finance return templates
(Login to view information):
- 2022-23 T2 finance return sheet
- 2022-23 T2 school external payroll upload
- 2022-23 T2 school finance upload
- 2022-23 T2 supporting docs template
2022/23 Term 1 finance return templates
- 2022-23 T1 finance return front sheet
- 2022-23 T1 school external payroll upload
- 2022-23 T1 school finance upload
- 2022-23 T1 supporting docs
Budget allocations
Grant payments paid to date
- Grant payments fourth quarter 2022-23 (excel)
- Grant payments third quarter 2022-23 (excel)
- Grant payments second quarter 2022-23 (excel)
- Grant payments first quarter 2022-23 (excel)
Grant allocations, conditions and guidance
We will update this throughout the year as and when allocations are released.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery premium funding: allocations and conditions of grant 2022 to 2023
- National Tutoring Programme (NTP) allocations for 2022 to 2023 academic year
- PE and sport premium: conditions of grant 2022 to 2023
- Backfill payments for time off timetable for early career framework (ECF) mentor training (national roll-out) guidance
- COVID 19 workforce grant 2022 (Excel) Log in to view
- Funding for time off timetable for early career teachers and mentors who participated in the early roll-out of the early career framework reforms
- NQT education recovery (Excel) Log in to view
- Pupil premium: allocations and conditions of grant 2022 to 2023
- Recovery premium: conditions of grant for local authorities
- School-led tutoring: conditions of grant
- Schools supplementary grant 2022 to 2023
- Senior mental health leads (Excel) Log in to view
- Teachers’ pay grant: allocations for 2022 to 2023 financial year
- Teachers’ pension grant: 2022 to 2023 allocations
- Universal infant free school meals (UIFSM): 2022 to 2023
ESFA weekly updates (GOV.UK)
Please find your final budget allocations below:
- Detailed schools indicative allocations 2022-23 (Excel)
- Final schools block allocations 2022-23 (Excel)
- Cover letter indicative allocations 2022-23 from Tamara Quinn (pdf)
- DSG conditions of grant 2022-23 GOV.UK
Budget return
Here is the budget return template 2022-23. Once completed, please email this to SchoolsAccountancy@ealing.gov.uk. Guidance is available on the spreadsheet, under tab 1.
School deficit recovery plan
If you are setting a deficit budget for 2022-23 please complete the deficit recovery plan template and deficit agreement letter.
This will then be submitted to the chief finance officer and director of children and adult services for approval.
2021-22 School budgets
2021/22 year end closing of accounts finance return templates
(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:
- 2021-22 Letter bank account access for Ealing auditors
- 2021-22 Closing guidelines
- 2021-22 Closing note
- 2021-22 Schools grant payments
- 2021-22 School balance form
- 2021-22 T3 school external payroll upload
- 2021-22 Year end additional information
- 2021-22 T3 supporting documents
- SING forum closing.
Budget allocations
Here are the allocated grant links:
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) mass testing funding for schools and colleges
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery premium funding: allocations and conditions of grant 2021 to 2022
- COVID-19 12 to 15 vaccination programme funding for schools: conditions of funding
- PE and sport premium: conditions of grant 2021 to 2022 (academies)
- Teachers’ pay grant: allocations for 2021 to 2022 financial year
- Teachers’ pension grant: 2021 to 2022 allocations
Please find your indicative budget allocations below. Please note, some of the grants and allocations are based on 2020-21 allocations as actual data is not available at this present time. We will update throughout the year when allocations are released:
- Cover letter indicative allocations from Tamara Quinn (pdf)
- Indicative schools block allocations 2021-22 (excel)
- Detailed schools allocations 2021-22 (excel)
- DSG conditions of grant 2021-22 (GOV.UK) Withdrawn October 2023
2021/22 Term 1 finance return templates
(Login to view information):