Budgets archive

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2023-24 School budgets

2023/24 year end closing of accounts finance return templates

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2023/24 Term 2 finance return templates

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2023/24 Term 1 finance return templates

Budget allocations

Please find your final schools block allocations below:

Grant payments to date

Grant allocations, conditions and guidance

Budget monitoring return

Here is the school budget monitoring return template for quarter 2, 2023-24. Once completed, please email this to schoolsaccountancyservices@ealing.gov.uk by 31 October 2023. Guidance is available on the spreadsheet, under tab 1.

2022-23 School budgets

2022/23 year end closing of accounts finance return templates

(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:

2022/23 Term 2 finance return templates

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2022/23 Term 1 finance return templates

Budget allocations

Grant payments paid to date

Grant allocations, conditions and guidance

We will update this throughout the year as and when allocations are released.

ESFA weekly updates (GOV.UK)

Please find your final budget allocations below:

Budget return

Here is the budget return template 2022-23. Once completed, please email this to SchoolsAccountancy@ealing.gov.uk. Guidance is available on the spreadsheet, under tab 1.

School deficit recovery plan

If you are setting a deficit budget for 2022-23 please complete the deficit recovery plan template and deficit agreement letter.

This will then be submitted to the chief finance officer and director of children and adult services for approval.

2021-22 School budgets

2021/22 year end closing of accounts finance return templates

(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:

Budget allocations

Here are the allocated grant links:

Please find your indicative budget allocations below. Please note, some of the grants and allocations are based on 2020-21 allocations as actual data is not available at this present time. We will update throughout the year when allocations are released:

2021/22 Term 1 finance return templates

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Last updated: 07 Nov 2024