Hiring an apprentice

Work Ealing apprenticeship zone

Check Work Ealing’s apprenticeship zone where you can find information and steps to hiring an apprentice. Read more about

  • Benefits of hiring an apprentice
  • Steps of hiring an apprentice
  • Apprenticeship standards
  • Training providers
  • Advertising your apprenticeship.

Get help with hiring an apprentice

Email: apprenticeships@ealing.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 8825 6234

Apprenticeship Standards

Approved apprenticeship training providers (RoATP)

Register of apprenticeship training providers (GOV.UK)

Brief outline of how to claim from the Apprenticeship Levy

  1. School selects apprenticeship standard and training provider
  2. School advertises for an apprentice (your training provider will help you with this), or an existing member of staff will start an apprenticeship
  3. School completes Apprenticeship Levy claim form
  4. School sends completed claim form together with a copy of signed Training Contract/Apprenticeship Agreement (between the training provider and the school) to Schools HR Business Support.
  5. For apprenticeships which are level 5 and above, school completes a business case, in addition to above.
  6. Schools HR Business Support check certain details and confirm eligibility and pass to Head of Schools HR to approve.
  7. Once approved, the apprenticeship is loaded onto Ealing Council’s Digital Account (DAS), which triggers payment to training provider for the training costs associated with the apprenticeship
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Last updated: 01 Mar 2023

Human resources