Ealing Learning Partnership

Use Gatekeeping to communicate information with schools

Why use Gatekeeping?

Reduce the burden for headteachers

This coordinated weekly system was designed in response to headteacher requirements nationally and locally to help reduce communications burden on them.

Up-to-date email addresses

We keep our distribution list up-to-date with the latest headteachers changes.

Widely distributed

Our newsletter is emailed to all school headteachers in primary, special, high and early years. Our distribution lists include school administrators, deputy headteachers, school business managers, site managers, governors and clerks. Information can also be disseminated to parent and carers.

Where relevant, news items can be shared via our dedicated schools Twitter account @EalingLearning

Insight in success

We can track how successful our newsletter is – whether emails have been opened and which items have been read.

Visually appealing

All the items in the newsletter are accompanied by a gatekeeping icon and an action required text to help our readers quickly find relevant information and prioritise items.

Your item published on the EGfL website

Gatekeeping items are published as news items on EGfL before the distribution of the newsletter and can be read ahead of the distribution. We can promote items on the home page.

Your news item is fully integrated on to our site and will link to your content/service pages (if applicable) on our website.

Read more about Gatekeeping

Gatekeeping news editor

You can create a gatekeeping news item on EGfL. We will then review and publish your item and include it in the next gatekeeping newsletter.

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Last updated: 08 Sep 2022