Services for children

Attendance tracker

The school attendance tracker is available to download below and:

  • Allows school to track pattern of attendance for each pupil through the entire academic year
  • Is a quick visual aid for Dedicated Attendance Lead or other SLT who need oversight of attendance
  • Allows school to record actions taken to mitigate poor or reduced attendance
  • Allows school to recognise improvements in attendance as well as declines in attendance
  • Is a useful tool for meetings with your Link Attendance Officer

Key information

  • Always remember to set date parameters from start of current academic year to date you want to populate it for i.e. if you want to run the report ending on 21st February 2023 set the from date as 1st September 2022 and the to date as 21st February 2023.
  • Paste report into a blank Word document before pasting it into . This allows you to tidy up any leavers or joiners.
  • Remember to set your Group Type to however you are formatting your attendance tracker for, i.e. if you have your tabs set up for registration groups make sure you set the Group Type on the report to Reg Group.

Running the percentage attendance report in SIMS

  1. Select Reports > Attendance > Selected pupil (or student) reports > Percentage attendance report to show the report in your browser
  2. A default date range of ‘from one month ago to yesterday’ is displayed. If a different date range is required, enter the appropriate dates in the From and to fields or click the Calendar buttons and select the required dates.
  3. By default, the Group Type is displayed as Reg Group. If a different group type is required, select the group from the drop-down list, then click the Search button to refresh the display.
  4. A default Title (i.e. Percentage Attendance) is displayed, which can be edited if required.
  5. Specify the Value Range by selecting the required radio button and entering a value in the adjacent field. Those pupil/students who have the specified percentage of attendance, within the selected date range, are included in the report.
  6. Specify the order of the report data by selecting the required Order By radio button, i.e. Name or Percentage.
  7. Double-click the required group name, e.g. ELM, or highlight the group name, then click the Print button to display the Run a Screen Based Report dialog. To select more than one group, hold down the Ctrl key and click the required group names to highlight them. The Select All button and Deselect All button (located at the bottom left-hand side of the browser) can also be used, if required.
  8. Select the required print criteria then click the OK button to produce the report.

Once the report is produced it is best to paste it into a blank Word document. This allows you to edit the report as necessary

Setting up your attendance tracker

The tabs on the tracker can be set up however suits your school best – reg group, year group, whole school in one tab or you can use it to track just your vulnerable groups by a user defined group
or groups.

To set your tabs up you need to run the report with the group type you wish to use. If you are planning to use reg groups rename each tab with the name of one of your reg groups.

Copy and paste the names of the children in the reg group into the correct tab.

Updating the attendance tracker

  1. Run the percentage attendance report in SIM
  2. Copy and paste the report results into a blank Word document
  3. Remove any leavers from the tracker by deleting the line they are on in their class tab. For example, if Tom Jones left before the to date of your report you will need to delete the whole row he is on
  4. Add any new pupils to the correct class/group by creating a new row for them. For example, if Jake Wise is a new pupil you will need to add a new row for him between Devon Winespear and Francis Xavier
  5. Highlight and copy the % Attend column.
  6. Paste this into the applicable column, i.e. if you have run the report from the start of the academic year to 15th September paste this into the column labelled 15th Sept. Unless it has been changed the tracker will automatically conditionally format this information and show the percentage attendance figures as red, yellow, green or black with red writing. Green is 95-100%, yellow is 90-94.9%, red is 50-89.9% and black with red writing is anything 49% and under.
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Last updated: 30 Aug 2023