Exclusions and suspensions
The team provides advice and guidance on the exclusion process to head teachers, governors, parents and colleagues for both primary and secondary schools as well as maintaining a database of all exclusions and providing exclusions data as required.
The team also deals with elective home education.
- Ealing Council and the DfE suspension and exclusion guidance August 2024 (pdf)
- School suspensions and permanent exclusions August 2024 (GOV.UK)
- LA exclusion procedures - guidance for schools and governors August 2024 (word)
- Parent/carer guidance on suspension/ exclusion (pdf)
Notifying relevant parties of suspensions (fixed-term exclusions) and permanent exclusions
Updated Local Authority exclusion and suspension notification forms
The notification forms below are in word format and should be emailed to Exclusionsteam@ealing.gov.uk
- Permanent exclusion notification form - all schools including sixth form
- Suspension notification form - all schools including sixth form
- Key to suspension / exclusion category codes(pdf)
- Key for ethnic origin codes (pdf)
- Pupil suspension / exclusion reason codes
Exclusion letters
The following are all in word format:
Exclusion model letter templates for high, primary and special schools
Log in to view model letters. If needed, register for an EGfL user account. For help, contact egflwebteam@ealing.gov.uk
- 1 Fixed term of five school days or fewer
- 1b Fixed term of five days or fewer resulting in an accumulation of 5+ days in a term
- 2 Fixed term 6 - 15 days
- 3 Fixed term 15 or more days
- 4 Permanent exclusion
- 5 Permanent exclusion of an out of borough resident
- 6 Pending fixed term suspension
- 6b Pending suspension – extended for more than 5 days
- 7 Lunchtime suspension
- 8 Governors review meeting notification
- 9 Governors review meeting outcome letter upholding permanent suspension
- 10 Governors review meeting outcome letter for reinstatement
- 11 Governors outcome letter considering a fixed-term suspension
CCTV footage
Guidance for schools when considering CCTV footage as evidence for exclusion.
Exclusion data summary reports
The reports provide a summary of exclusion data for Ealing schools, along with a comparison against data in previous years, looking at the number of exclusions by areas such as year group, reason for exclusion, post-code, SEN stage etc. Log in to view:
Primary school summary and comparison 2022/23*
High school summary and comparison 2022/23*
*As a result of consultation, access is currently restricted to head teachers for the relevant phase, who have been notified of passwords via email. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future reports.
Debby Legg, manager, exclusions and elective home education team
Ben Lundy, exclusions and elective home education support officer
Service tel: 020 8825 5070
Service email: Exclusionsteam@ealing.gov.uk
- Exclusions team, Behaviour strategy and social inclusion: exclusionsteam@ealing.gov.uk(020) 8825 5070