Services for children

Ealing community partners referral hub

All contacts, queries and referrals for children’s community health services are accessible through the Ealing community partners (ECP) referral hub:

Telephone: 0300 1234 544


The children’s services’ that will be part of this are:

  • Community paediatricians (the child development team)
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Audiology
  • Looked After children team
  • Children’s specialist community nursing service (paediatric home nursing)
  • Continuing care
  • Specialist nursing for diabetes, asthma, epilepsy and haemoglobinopathy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Special school nursing
  • Podiatry for children
  • Nutrition and dietetics for children
  • Bladder and bowel services for children (including enuresis)

All of our Ealing Community Partners (ECP) children's specialist community health services can be contacted using the ECP hub.

This is a 24/7 service and outside of the hours of operation for the specific teams, messages will be taken and passed on to the team to receive when they return.

If you need to do a referral to any of the services please make an electronic referral using our new referral forms. Email the referral to

    Key messages:

    Only electronic referrals will be accepted – we no longer accept fax or post.

    When you call 0300 1234 544 you will be given an option to press for specialist community children's health services. You will then be transferred to the dedicated children's team.

    The above listed services are not emergency services. Any calls received out of hours will be answered and passed to the relevant service for follow up.

    The current telephone number at Carmelita House 0208 825 8700 is no longer be operational for children’s specialist community health services.

    Any calls received for ECP or children’s services managed by Ealing Council on 0208 825 8700 e.g. Educational Psychology, Children with Disabilities team, Brighter Futures Team, Special Educational Needs and Advisory Teachers, will be redirected to the ECP Referral Hub and the appropriate Ealing Council contact numbers

    Here is the CAMHS and CAMHS LD referral process. has not changed and remains

    The CAMHS LD telephone number 020 8483 1979. is operational Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

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    Last updated: 05 Jun 2023