Services for children

Childrens services organisation charts

EGfL login required to access contact details and organisation charts.

Children's and adults services senior leadership

Rob South
Executive director children, adults and public health

Julie Lewis
Director learning, standards and school partnerships

Tamara Quinn
Assistant director, schools planning, resources and development

Joanne Dempster
Interim assistant director children's social care budget

Madhu Bhachu
Acting assistant director ESCAN/SEND/Inclusion

Jill Pearce
Head of training and development

Paul Andrews
Head of service -Safeguarding, review and quality assurance


Ealing Council who's who
People database. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.

Find a school or setting and school reports
Ealing maintained schools, academies and settings database.

Childrens services social care contacts for schools

Log in to view the following social care contact lists, includes social workers and family support workers:

Organisation charts and profiles

Web team

If you experience a problem with the site or if you have any suggestions, email the EGfL webteam: If you are reporting a broken link, don't forget to include the details of the page that features the broken link.

If you have forgotten your EGfL password, you can request a new password by selecting 'request new password' from the login page.

All non-website related comments or enquiries should be directed to the relevant service.

Ealing Council

General enquiries (switch board): 020 8825 5000
Address: Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
Ealing W5 2HL

Schools' services

General education enquiries: 020 8825 5599
Main round primary schools admissions: 020 8825 5511 (9am-12pm)
Main round high schools admissions: 020 8825 5522 (9am-12pm)
In-year admissions: 020 8825 6339 (9am-12pm)

Address: Education department
2nd floor NE
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
Ealing W5 2HL

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Last updated: 22 May 2024