Teenage pregnancy

Pregnancy rates for school age mothers have been falling; however the cases that arise will include some complex situations which will require safeguarding investigation and multi agency working.

Teenage pregnancy/early motherhood good practice guidance for schools (pdf)
Reviewed July 2017 - Best practice in schools and useful links. Guidance on teenage pregnancy and legislation and when to refer to Ealing children's integrated response service (ECIRS) and continued eduation and allocation of school places.

Teenage pregnancy and sexual health referral pathway (pdf)
Reviewed July 2017- Action flowchart and useful local contact details for teenage pregnancy and young people's sexual health in Ealing.

Useful websites

Confidential sexual health and wellbeing advice for under 25.

Ealing Family Nurse Partnership
A specially designed programme for women under 20, having their first baby.

Ealing Council connexions service
Provide professional advice and support with many issue including teenage pregnancy.

Early Start Ealing 0-19
Service for families - pregnant mums, expectant dads, parents, babies , children and young people up to the age of 19 ; bringing together workers from children's centres, early years, health and other specialist services.

Family Planning Association - the sexual health charity
Useful information and advice on a wide range of topics for everyone with special sections for young people, parents and professionals.

Learner support helpline - Care to learn (GOV.UK)
Childcare funding for young parents, who want to continue learning.

NHS teenage pregnancy support (NHS website)
Important infomation, advice and support for teenage pregnancy.

Sexual health and contraceptive services
Conception, pregnancy and reproductive choices.

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Last updated: 21 Aug 2023

Services for children